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Autism Treatment in Greater Noida

What is Autism?

Autism Spectrum Disorders or ASDs are lifelong neurobiological conditions. They usually manifest in the first three years of a child’s life. These children show differences in three main areas of development:

Communication: The child may present as verbal or non-verbal

Social interaction: The child may not make eye contact or respond to their name when called

Imagination: Very often, a repetitive pattern of play is noticed during leisure activities

Since autism is a spectrum disorder, each child presents differently.

Some of the observed symptoms are-

  • Mild learning and social disabilities to more complex and multiple difficulties
  • Several instances of unusual behavior and varying sensory problems are also seen.
  • Another peculiarity often seen is uneven skill development

Are you experiencing any of the above symptoms?

Early intervention can treat autism and help your children become functioning members of society. Also, it can help improve your child and your family’s quality of life.
