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Best Stammering Therapist in Greater Noida (Fluency Therapy)

Fluency disorder, commonly known as “stuttering” can be defined by primary and secondary behaviors. Primary behavior includes repetitions of sounds, whole words, and syllables, prolongations of single sounds, blockages of airflow or other speech-related issues. Secondary behavior, on the other hand, is developed with the advancement of time like loss of eye contact, frequent eye blinking / extraneous movement like hand movement / changes in facial grimaces / shoulder / body jerk / sweating in hand / teeth clinching etc.

Symptoms of Fluency Disorder Listed below are some common symptoms of fluency disorder:

  • Difficulty in uttering a word
  • Prolonging a word or sound within a word
  • Repetition of sound
  • Repetition of words or syllables
  • Brief silence for some particular words, or use of broken words frequently
  • Anxiety while about to talk
  • Hesitation in communication
  • Frequent eye blinking
  • Head jerks
  • Tremors of the jaw or lips
  • Facial Tics
  • Clenching fists

It is very important to identify the fluency disorder at the right time; otherwise, you would be a victim of constant bullying, labeling, teasing, exclusion, and frustration. These are the worst experiences that can make you lack in self-confidence. As an outcome, they can become suspicious of their own abilities. It can also lead you to severe morale breakdown.

Way To Grow - Speech Therapy and Special Education Center first do detail assessment by using SSI, OPM Examination and SIT test. Treatment for fluency disorder varies from patient to patient and it totally depends on severity / age / need etc. In order to provide an effective fluency therapy, it is important to create a treatment plan and set up certain goals.

Way To Grow - Speech Therapy and Special Education Center offers individual, weekly group, and intensive group treatment programs for adults and teens who stutter. Our intensive treatment program is internationally recognized and is offered in only few clinics around the world. Our treatment approach is founded upon more than 10 years of research and experience in the area of stuttering.
