Block L, 147 First Floor, Delta 2- Greater Noida

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Best Delayed Speech and Language Therapy Centre in Greater Noida NCR

Signs & Symptoms of Delayed Speech & Language

Delayed speech indicates a delay in the speech & language processing mechanism. A language delay can be receptive, expressive, or a combination of both. A receptive language deficit happens when your child has difficulty understanding language. An expressive language disorder happens when your child has difficulty communicating verbally.

How to Detect Delayed Speech and Language Problem? You should consult a Speech & Language Therapist when you find any of these signs and symptoms in your child:

Common symptoms of a language delay include

  • Not able to speak meaningful word like /papa /mummy/dada/ by the age of 15 months / 2 years.
  • Not able to talk in two word combination by the age of 2 years
  • An inability to speak in short sentences by the age of 3 years
  • Difficulty putting words together in a sentence
  • Leaving words out of a sentence
  • Using gestures / sign / pointing for communication.

Delaying speech therapy for your child runs the risk of missing that all-important window of time between birth and three years of age when the brain is maturing and learning happens rapidly (Neural plasticity ).

Way To Grow - Speech Therapy and Special Education Center is well equipped to deal Children with DSL. Here we do first detail assessment by using Formal Test of REELs, LPT, and Speech Intelligibility test. After diagnosis, our well qualified speech therapist do counseling to parents about problem and then child is enrolled in speech therapy sessions. This Therapy session frequency is decided on the basis of child’s DSL severity and age.

Way To Grow - Speech Therapy and Special Education Center provides therapy session at all platform like therapy at clinic / online session through Skype/Zoom/Whats-up etc and Home visits.
